Monday, May 19, 2008

Wedding Excitement

Jen had her first shower on Sunday. We are getting so excited for their big day!


she still loves the bath. Can you tell?

Matchbox Cars

Avery playing Matchbox cars with her cousin Nathaniel at Grandma K's house. This makes her daddy very proud.

6 months old

I have been trying to take a picture of Avery every month. Here is the 6 month picture. (Yup, I'm a month behind on posting-sorry)

Been Awhile

Sorry, it's been awhile since I have posted. Life here is very good. We are just loving every minute. Avery is 7 months old now. She had a Dr. appt today and is growing very well and is right on track. She is a lot of fun right now.
We have been very busy. We celebrated Mom's 50th birthday (pictures soon to come), celebrated our nephew's 1st birthday, and welcomed a new nephew. Lots of fun since the last post. Hope you all are doing well.