Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Day

Miss BedHead opening presents

Riding her pony.

We celebrated with my family on Christmas Day. We started with just the 3 of us at our house in the morning and then headed to my mom & dads a little later. "Santa" brought Avery a new kitchen set, which she loves. ( Kraig and I wish we had taken credit ) Avery was spoiled and loves playing with all of her new toys. This Christmas could not have been better. We had 2 days filled with so much fun, laughter, love and rejoicing over Christ's birth. Merry Christmas, we hope yours was as wonderful as ours.

Christmas Eve

The "big" kids

Uncle Kraig & Naomi

We started off all the Christmas fun with the Kuipers' family. We had such a fun night together as a family watching all the kids play together and get so excited about presents. We are blessed to have such wonderful family to spend the holidays with.

Avery's First Haircut

Ready and waiting

Here we go...

This is fun!

Baking Night

My mom, my sister and I try to get together every year before Christmas to bake a bunch of goodies. This year Avery got to help us. It is a fun tradition and it's very helpful to get all our baking done in one night.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our baby boy

The picture didn't turn out great but I still wanted to share a recent ultrasound pic of our little guy. I am 27 weeks pregnant right now and things are going well. Early in my pregnancy I had mild placenta previa but a recent ultrasound shows that it has been resolved. Praise God! He is healthy and growing and so am I. I have not felt good this pregnancy and continue to struggle with that but am thankful for a healthy baby. We cannot wait to meet him. Right now, March still feels like a long way away but it will come fast after the holidays. We are getting his nursery ready and preparing for a new baby in the house. We are so blessed.

Big Girl Room

Such a proud big girl all ready for bed in her big girl bed.

Wall art above her bed.
I really cannot believe that I am posting about Avery's big girl bed. I just can't believe that she is old enough already. I remember working on her nursery, Kraig assembling the crib and anticipating when I could lay her in it and now she is sleeping in a big bed. I have loved putting together her big girl room and I am so proud of her but it is bittersweet. I wish that I could freeze time so that she will stay little for longer. There is a children's book that talks about celebrating your child's lasts. We always focus on their firsts, first smile, first word, first step, etc but this book talks about loving every moment because you never know when it will be your last time rocking them, feeding them a bottle, reading a book while they snuggle on your lap. The days go by so quickly and we feel so blessed to have such a sweet girl for our daughter.

Snow Time

All bundled up and ready to go.

Helping mommy shovel.

Snow of many.

Look, Mommy!
Avery was so excited when we got the first snow of the season. It actually rubbed off on me! She could not wait to go outside and play in it. She had her boots on as soon as she saw it. She kept yelling all morning, "SNOW TIME MOMMY!" As soon as we got outside she ran around, jumped in the snow and made a bunch of snow angels. It was so fun to see her reaction to the snow this year after not seeing it for so long.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

The kids enjoyed playing games with Aunt Krysta and Brett.

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Kuipers family. We enjoyed a great day with food, family and fun. We visited with my family at night. I must be distracted these days because I haven't been very good with taking pictures. These are the only ones I took all day. We are thankful for all the blessings that we have in our lives. We have wonderful family, our health, a warm house, food on the table, jobs and the love of Christ. This year we are learning to thank God through the tough times as well. We are thankful for the things that he is teaching us , for the way the he always provides and for His never ending love and faithfulness. We hope that you all had a blessed thanksgiving as well. Now, I am getting very excited for the Christmas holiday!