Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time for a Change

Since we have decided, or it has been decided for us, we will be staying in this house for awhile with no plans to move. Therefore, it was time to work with what God has blessed us with to create a little more space for our family. We recently made some changes to our basement to create a living/play area and we are thrilled with our "new" room!

Little Man

WOW...Cole, where have the last 18 months gone? You have filled our life with joy and laughter and you definitely keep us on our toes. You are a sweet boy filled with lots of energy and curiosity. You are very different from your sister and we love you so much for all the ways that YOU are YOU!

Time for School!

I honestly cannot believe that Avery started preschool this year. Where has the time gone?! She was excited about it and couldn't wait to go. She had only a few nerves which came from swimming lessons this summer but when we got there and she remembered it from orientation she was off! When we picked her up she told me all about the things they did and the new friends she made. I will admit it was emotional for me to send her off, seems like she was just a baby, but she is having so much fun and I am so happy for her. Avery Lynne- Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. We love you with all of our hearts and Jesus loves you even more. We pray that you will do well in school and have the confidence in who God has made you to be. We love you-Mommy and Daddy