Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Second Blessing

Kraig, Avery and I are excited to share that we are expecting our second baby. We feel beyond blessed with what the Lord has given us. This pregnancy has been very different from my first- I enjoyed my pregnancy with Avery and had a little sickness but not much. This time I have been much more sick for the last month or so and a lot more tired. I am hoping that this will pass soon and I can enjoy the rest of it. I am about 14 weeks right now. We have had a couple of ultrasounds already and it is SO amazing to see our little baby.

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good."

So long summer!

Playing in the house- Avery's favorite at the cottage.

Trying out the tobaggan.

Rolling in the sand- another favorite- crazy kid!

Making mud.

This summer has been an incredibly fun one. I really can't remember the last summer that I had so much fun- it was probably when I was a kid. We did so many fun things this summer- spent time at the cottage, at Sandy Pines, camping at Leelanau and so many fun things around home. I feel blessed to have been able to spend so much time at home with Avery. This past weekend since the weather was so nice, we decided to head up to the cottage one more time. It was a beautiful weekend. I'm sad to see summer end but fall is my FAVORITE and I can't wait for fun fall activities.

Deanna's Playhouse

"Bye Bye Mommy"

Working at the bank just like Mommy.

Train table-CHOO CHOO

Cookin'-Avery's favorite right now

Getting groceries

At the beginning of the summer I made a list of fun things that I wanted to do with Avery and since I had the week of last week, I decided to take her to Deanna's Playhouse in Holland. This was the LAST thing on my list- WOW what a fun summer. The playhouse is a big building with an imaginary house, store, bank, roads with cozy coupes and all kinds of toys. Avery & I had so much fun playing there.

Scott & Kellie Get Hitched

Scott and Kellie got hitched on Labor day weekend. Kraig was the best man. Kraig borrowed a friends TransAm for their getaway car and the boys had WAY to much fun with it!
We had a great time and were so happy to be a part of their special day. Congrats you guys- we love you.

Hudsonville Fair

The last week in August we enjoyed the Hudsonville Fair. Avery LOVED it. I had no idea that she would have so much fun. I think it was the most fun I've had at the fair- just watching her. She kept asking to go on the rides! She was so brave and we had to bribe her with ice cream to leave the rides and go see the animals. She loved the animals too once she got away from the rides.