Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat

Running to the next house

Taking a break, riding in the wagon.

Avery & Josie- the 2 dalmations

All the kiddos- Caleb, Josie, Nathaniel, Naomi and Avery
This year Avery got to go trick or treating for the first time and she got to go with her cousins. The kids had fun- we didn't go far because it was cold but they loved running from house to house together and Kraig and I had so much fun watching Avery have so much fun.

Pumpkin Carving

"What is in there?"
Avery would only help with the "guts" if she had a spoon.

The finished "kitty punkin"

I (heart) Fall

I love the colors, the smells, the leaves, the cozy days at home and I love the smile on her face!