Friday, June 6, 2008


Avery loves to sit on our bed and just look out the window and look at the tree move. Oh- if only life were this simple.

Then & now

Just the other day I was thinking about how much my life has changed. Kraig and I used to be home very little. We used to see our friends every weekend. After we got married, that slowed down but we still went out a lot. We didn't think twice about going out for dinner a few times a week and we bought whatever we wanted (within reason- Kraig still doesn't have a new engine.) As I was driving home from work this week I was thinking about how I used to drive home so excited that I could put on some comfy clothes and spend my night doing little projects that I enjoy so much and now I can't wait to walk in the door and see my little girl. My heart melts when I come home and see her smile and get so excited to see me. I never knew my capacity to love this way. My days now are filled with playing with toys, making funny noises and faces, feeding and caring for another human being 24/7 and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's Friday night and while we used to be excited to get out, stay out late and have a good ol time, tonight we were excited to get our new DVR and see how many movies we could find to record. The good ol' days were good but these days are the best!
(sorry to get so deep, you know how I am)

My New Trick

Yup, you are seeing correctly. Avery can stand on her own if she is holding on to something. She can walk a little if she is holding your hands. She wants so badly to be able to move. She has no interest really in crawling but is really good at rolling over and over to get to where she wants to be. She also just got her 5th tooth. I can't believe that she is getting so big already. The time goes by way to fast.

Pool Fun

Over Memorial Weekend we spent some time with my family too. Grammy V bought Avery a pool and she loved splashing in it.


Avery had her first experience at the cottage over Memorial Weekend. She was very good and seemed to enjoy it. She liked driving the boat with daddy. The picture shows her "happy" face.

Mom's Birthday Bash

Here are a few pics from Mom's birthday bash. Love ya Mom!