Giver of Hugs
Lover of Snuggles
Contagious Joy
Unconditional Lover
Piggyback Rider
Mommy's Girl & Daddy's "Pooker Jane"
Amazing Daughter,
Precious Child of God
(Written for Avery by Mommy on 2/13/2010. As we anticipate the birth of our son in only about 4 more weeks, I find my self feeling a little sad that Avery will no longer be my only child. I know that I will have enough love for 2 and once Baby Boy is here I won't be able to imagine life without him. I just know that we have been so blessed with such an amazing daughter and I feel absolutely lucky to have her. The past 2 1/2 years of her life have been the best 2 1/2 of mine and I thank God every day for each moment I have with her. We are praying for health and a safe delivery of Baby Boy and can't wait to meet him and kiss his sweet head and cry tears of joy for the goodness that God has filled our life with. Thank you to all of our family and friends who pray for us and support us, we love you all very much. And for the next 4 weeks, I will be getting in as much quality time and extra kisses with my beautiful firstborn!